Simplify Your Body Image Journey with Goal Setting
We also know that body image isn’t really about the body itself and what’s interesting is that often a feeling connected to the body is an alert that something else is going on.
How to Accept and Navigate Body and Weight Changes
When moving towards intuitive eating, away from using external rules, and healing from disordered eating, it is expected and healthy that weight gain will likely co-occur in the process. Here are some tools to help dig in and navigate that discomfort.
How Gentle Nutrition Can Support Intuitive Eating
Anti-diet doesn’t mean anti-nutrition. Learn about how gentle nutrition applies to intuitive eating and how you can start to incorporate it.
3 Tips for Living and Eating During COVID-19
Tips for creating a healthy relationship with food while in quarantine. When I start to feel anxious I remind myself, “This IS temporary!” That’s my mantra right now.