How to Feel More Comfortable & Confident in Your Bathing Suit

Why are there arbitrary rules trying to control our clothing choices? If you are sweating about the idea of sitting in a bathing suit, or being comfortable in less clothing, you are far from alone.
Why Body and Weight Comments Are Harmful
Whether it’s a celebrity like Adele, or anyone else, let’s stop commenting on other people’s bodies or weights.
How to deal with a bad body image day
Just like we all have bad hair days, bad body image days are normal, too! And they can feel awful. I’m sharing tips on how to re-frame and deal with what comes up on these days – no diets or extremes required!
How to Deal with Food/Body Talk Around the Holidays
Here come the holidays! And with it the holiday food and diet talk. Here are some tips changing the conversation for a healthier, happier holiday.
How to Start A Conversation about Intuitive Eating/Health At Every Size
What’s the best way to approach starting a conversation about something you’re passionate about when you’re in the position of the ‘learner’? Sharing 4 tips for introducing Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size to your dietetic internship preceptors or co-workers.
Meet the Next Generation of HAES-informed Dietitians
The next generation of RDs is coming in HOT. They’re helping to break the mold of traditional diet-etics and supporting each other along the way – because there is still a long way to go.
5 Steps to Your Summer Body
‘Tis the season for “quick fix summer body” posts, fad diets, cleanses and workouts for a six-pack. These topics indicate that there is something wrong with your body now or that it’s not “good enough” for summer, SO to combat that, here are 5 tips to your summer body that has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with how you feel, nourishing yourself and moving in a way that feels good.