
How to Deal with Food/Body Talk Around the Holidays

How to Respond to Holiday Food and Body Talk - @thewellful

Winter is coming!

…I’ll fess up, I’ve never seen GoT but I can’t pass up a good reference. Because winter IS coming and that means so are the holidays, and lots of talk about food, bodies and dieting. It’s basically peak time when you’ll hear about everyone’s new diet and workout routine – from your barista to that random guy in the elevator.

Normally, the diets and plans that people adopt around the holidays are short term, extreme behaviors that often don’t sustain long-term health benefits but it can seem like they go on forever when everyone is talking about them.

Whether it’s comparing plates, innocent comments about going up for seconds or about how you look different or the same from last year, the food and body diet talk comes up. As if navigating the family-dynamic of holidays wasn’t tricky enough, this adds a whole new layer. So to keep you from feeling blindsided or trapped in a conversation that makes you WISH your Aunt Pam would go back to asking why you aren’t married yet – here are some tips for rerouting the conversation.

Change the Conversation: How to Respond to Food/Body Talk

When someone says: “Oh boy! We’re being bad today, aren’t we?!”

You can say: “Haha, no! Eating a certain food doesn’t make me bad or good! That would be crazy.”

When someone says: “I just started this new thing where I eat XYZ and exercise ABC – I’ve lost ### lbs. You need to try it!”

You can say: “It sounds like you’re really happy! I’ve been working on listening to my body more and it’s been so cool to tune in. Have you read Rachel Hollis’ new book?” *insert whatever book you’ve read recently*

When someone says: “Wow you look great!/Wow, really let ourselves go this year, huh?”

You can say: “I’m actually feeling great, thanks! How’s everything been with you?”

When someone says: “That’s what you’re eating? If I ate like you, I’d be 10lbs (lighter/heavier)”

You can say: “This works for me today, I’m perfectly satisfied. Thanks though!”

When someone says: something that makes you uncomfortable.

You can say: “Actually, my food/body isn’t up for discussion. Let’s talk about something else. How did that big presentation you had go?”

Always: Remember you have permission to set a hard boundary and leave the table or conversation if that’s the healthiest choice for you. For more tips on navigating holiday food/body talk and just feeling good this New Year, get your Mindful Holiday Pocket Guide!

How to Respond to Food Body Talk - Holidays @thewellful

What are your go-to tips for navigating the holiday food/body talk? Comment below or share your ideas on Instagram and tag @thewellful!


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