
How To Improve Body Image And Boost Self-Esteem

How To Improve Body Image And Boost Self-Esteem

Navigating a world focused on appearances and often unrealistic standards can be challenging. It can be hard to feel comfortable in your body when you’re constantly seeing messages of how your body “should” look. Learning how to improve body image – or even move toward more neutral is where it all begins, but we’d be lying if we said that was easy. 

Your body image is the compilation of so many things you’ve been taught, both about yourself and about how you’re “supposed” to look. It can be hard to reframe your thoughts and challenge the narrative you thought was true your whole life. The good news is that your body image can change. 

Understanding Body Image

Before looking into the strategies for improving body image, let’s discuss what body image is. Body image is your inner picture of yourself. It refers to how you perceive your own body, including its size, shape, and appearance. It is influenced by various factors including your beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and emotions about your body’s attractiveness and physical appearance, often shaped by societal standards, media messages, and personal experiences. 

Acknowledge Unrealistic Ideals

Acknowledging the unrealistic and narrow ideals perpetuated by society and the media is a great first step in improving your body image.. These standards are unattainable, unrealistic, and unnatural for most. What’s more, they  also do not determine your value. Beauty is diverse and individual. Comparing yourself to highly edited images on Instagram with filters is unhelpful and distorts the reality of what it means to be human. After all, that’s what we are! . 

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is a powerful tool for improving body image and self-esteem. It’s common to notice that your internal self-talk is much different than how you would speak to a loved one or what you would say aloud to a friend. Think of how you would respond to your best friend if they spoke about their body in the way you do about yours. Most likely, you would approach them with compassion, kindness, and care. You deserve the same.   It’s natural to have complex feelings about your body. Give them space, acknowledge them, and try responding with compassion rather than criticism.

Aim for Body Neutrality

It’s not realistic for anyone to love all of their body all the time. It is really hard to take care of something that you hate. By working on body neutrality, you can form a respectful and appreciative relationship with your body. This concept encourages thinking of  your body as neither positive nor negative; it just is. Think about how you observe and notice things in nature, you might notice that the leaves are so green, or a flower looks really interesting, or see something you’ve never seen before! What if you approached looking at your own body with that curiosity and interest instead of judgment?

Focus on Self-Care

Engage in self-care practices that nourish your body and soul. Adequate nutrition, rest, movement, stress management, hydration, and enjoyable activities contribute to your well-being and self-esteem. Diet culture, body image pressures and conflicting messages about health can make it challenging to engage in self-care and health-promoting behaviors from a place of compassion instead of punishment or trying to change your body. If this sounds like you, it may be helpful to work with someone who specializes in person-centered care

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Your environment plays a big part in shaping your self-image. Create an environment that reinforces your self-worth. Surround yourself with people and media that support your journey towards self-acceptance as  a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey. Non-diet support groups, social media communities and podcasts can be great places to start to find like-minded community, or feel less isolated in this work.

Check Your Social Media Use

It’s no secret that social media use can have a significant impact on body image. Following accounts that represent the world we live in and reminding yourself that social media is a highlight reel can help you to stay grounding while consuming content online. Follow accounts on Instagram and TikTok that celebrate Health at Every Size (HAES®). Exposing yourself to communities that promote a diverse, inclusive view of beauty could transform how you see your own body.  If you notice yourself comparing your body to someone you follow, or feeling badly about yourself after scrolling, it might be time to mute or unfollow them, or even to take a break from social media for a bit.

Seek Professional Support

Sometimes, the journey to self-acceptance requires additional support. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Don’t hesitate to seek out therapists or nutrition therapist dietitians who specialize in body image and self-esteem.

The Wellful: Cultivating a Better Body Image Through Support

The Wellful is here to be your support system towards restoring your body image and self-esteem. Our non-diet community is  dedicated to deconstructing diet culture and providing resources for your wellness journey..

With us, you’ll find:

  • A Community of Like-Minded Individuals: Here at The Wellful, we get it. Our community is made up of individuals who are on a journey to improve their body image and boost self-esteem. Share your experiences, offer support, and connect with others who understand your struggles.
  • Education and Support: Access valuable education and support to help you overcome body image issues. Our resources include articles, workshops, and expert guidance to encourage a healthy relationship with your body.
  • Eating Without Guilt: Learn to remove the guilt and shame around eating. We use elements of mindfulness and self-compassion to help you nourish your body in a way that feels right for you.
  • Respect and Self-Care: Discover the importance of respecting and caring for the body you’re in. We offer insights and strategies to help you develop a positive self-image and boost self-esteem.

Call us today at (925) 725-2761 or send an email to Get started on your journey to a better body image and self-acceptance today.


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