5 Signs to Get Food and Body Image Support

How to know if it’s time to get support for your relationship with food and body image
The Ideal Body Type Does Not Exist

“Even if we all ate and exercised the same way, we would still all look different”
Why You Don’t Need to Save Your Calories

The start of a new year and/or a global pandemic that includes stay at home orders highlights a lot of diet culture messages. Try your best to avoid them: change the conversation, disengage, provide pushback to those who tell you to watch what you eat.
3 Steps to Prevent Hunger from Becoming Hanger

How to prevent your hunger from becoming ‘HANGER’ – 3 tips to honor your hunger
Why the 10000 Step Goal Doesn’t Need to be Your Goal

Do you feel upset when you don’t hit your fitness tracker’s goals for the day?
Non-Diet Meal Planning on a Budget

Non-Diet Meal Planning on a budget: Easy, Affordable Meals that aren’t PB&J on Repeat