The Ideal Body Type Does Not Exist

“Even if we all ate and exercised the same way, we would still all look different”
Why You Don’t Need to Save Your Calories

The start of a new year and/or a global pandemic that includes stay at home orders highlights a lot of diet culture messages. Try your best to avoid them: change the conversation, disengage, provide pushback to those who tell you to watch what you eat.
Five Ways to Improve your Health Today

5 ways to take care of yourself & your health, today. (No diet necessary!)
What is Intuitive Eating?
How do you start Intuitive Eating? Answering the most common questions I hear from clients about how to stop dieting find food freedom.
How to Deal with Food/Body Talk Around the Holidays
Here come the holidays! And with it the holiday food and diet talk. Here are some tips changing the conversation for a healthier, happier holiday.
Meet the Next Generation of HAES-informed Dietitians
The next generation of RDs is coming in HOT. They’re helping to break the mold of traditional diet-etics and supporting each other along the way – because there is still a long way to go.
What is Intuitive Eating? [Newsletter]
If You’re Reading This, You’re More Woke Than Weight Watchers. Why is #WakeUpWeightWatchers trending? And what IS Intuitive Eating? Here’s your Wellful scoop plus a few free things we’re loving this February