What is Intuitive Eating?

How do you start Intuitive Eating? Answering the most common questions I hear from clients about how to stop dieting find food freedom.

How to Stress Less About Your Body During Study Abroad

You booked your flight, you’ve mapped out all the sights you want to see…but the negative worries of body image, what clothes to pack and the stress of being out of your routine is starting to settle in. Here are 3 tips to kick off your abroad experience worrying about the stuff that matters (do you have your passport!?) instead of the stuff that doesn’t (your pants size or how many workouts you squeezed in this week).

Why Guilt-Free Foods are B.S.

De-bunking food marketing and how it changes our behaviors and relationship with food. Wondering what’s the best guilt-free dessert recipe? Here’s why guilt-free foods are B.S.

Why I Ate Wednesdays

Changing the What to the WHY for a Why I Ate Wednesday. Taking the stigma and judgement out of our day of eating and bringing awareness to the many reasons there are that we eat. Here are a few things I’ve enjoyed over the past few weeks and the reasons why! Hint: it’s not always what you think! #whyiatewednesday

5 Steps to Your Summer Body

‘Tis the season for “quick fix summer body” posts, fad diets, cleanses and workouts for a six-pack. These topics indicate that there is something wrong with your body now or that it’s not “good enough” for summer, SO to combat that, here are 5 tips to your summer body that has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with how you feel, nourishing yourself and moving in a way that feels good.